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Want to get in touch? We'd love to hear from you. Here's how you can reach us...

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Careers @STP

We are committed to continuous innovation, leveraging cutting-edge technology to develop intuitive applications that transform legal processes.

Contact Customer Support

Having trouble with your solution? Get in touch with our support experts. Your satisfaction is our motivation.

Company Headquarters in Karlsruhe

Phone Number: (+49) 721 828150
Email: info@stp.one
Address: Brauerstrasse 12, 76135 Karlsruhe


Additional Locations

Discover our locations in various European countries. Feel free to contact our headquarters or a branch office that suits you.

Brussels (Boortmeerbeek) Arrow Down

Phone Number: (+32) 156 18545
Email: info@knowliah.com
Address: Leuvensesteenweg 282 C, 3190 Boortmeerbeek, Belgium

Buchs Arrow Down

Phone Number: (+41) 445 529600
Email: swiss@stp.one
Address: Bahnhofstrasse 7, 9470 Buchs SG, Switzerland

Graz Arrow Down
Phone Number: (+43) 316 482148
Email: edv-technik@went.at
Address: Kärntner Straße 337, 8054 Graz, Austria
Hannover Arrow Down
Phone Number: (+49) 511 515301-0
Email: info@stp-solution.de
Address: Bödekerstraße 84, 30161 Hannover, Germany
Lauf a.d. Pregnitz Arrow Down
Phone Number: (+49) 912 318300
Email: info@rummel-software.de
Address: Oskar-Sembach-Ring 26, 91207 Lauf an der Pegnitz, Germany
Nordwalde Arrow Down
Phone Number: +49 2573 93 93 0
Email: advoware@stp.one
Address: An den Bahngleisen 10, 48356 Nordwalde, Germany
Sofia Arrow Down
Phone Number: (+35) 987 6428423
Email: info@stp-online.bg
Address: Zlaten rog 12, 1407 Sofia; Bulgaria
Wetter (Ruhr) Arrow Down
Phone Number: (+49) 233 584760
Email: info@advoware.de
Address: Im Mühlenteich 56, 58300 Wetter (Ruhr), Germany
Brussels (Boortmeerbeek)

Here you find the support contact details for the different solution areas:


+49 721 82815-600


+49 721 82815-630


+49 9123 1830-0


+49 2573 93 93-0


+32 15 61 85 45



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