The Legal Tech Blog

Drowning in Data? Tactics for Legal Professionals to Conquer the Information Overload

Written by STP Group | Mar 20, 2024 9:16:55 AM

Innovators such as Hans Van Heghe and Ivan Rasic* are leading the charge in corporate legal offices and law fims, sharing ideas on how to use software to transform how we handle legal issues. In this fast-moving digital age, customized solutions are crucial for helping legal teams get the right information quickly, ensuring success in a constantly changing environment.

From cost centers to corporate powerhouse: the legal evolution

Corporate Legal Departments (CLDs) have transformed significantly, moving beyond their old role as just places that incur costs to become a business enabler within companies. The increase in regulatory requirements has highlighted the crucial need for managing information effectively. However, with so many documents and regulations to deal with, even experienced professionals can feel swamped.

Enter the digital renaissance of legal tech solutions 

In today's dynamic legal world, digital solutions are emerging rapidly, like seeds growing in fertile soil. They provide a vital support system for legal experts who are adapting to new technology while maintaining strict standards of confidentiality and data security. Acknowledging the need for innovation, Legal Tech companies have stepped up, offering a variety of tools and platforms to simplify information management. These solutions, ranging from advanced document storage systems to powerful search functions, enable legal professionals to utilize data more efficiently than ever before.

But with so many choices available, how can you figure out which solution is the right one? What key factor should you consider?

Introducing JERI: Pioneering Contextual Insights for Smarter Decision-Making

At the core of overcoming information overload is the idea of context and relevance. Meet Knowliah, a pioneering company committed to transforming how corporate legal departments handle the digitalization of knowledge and information. Established in 1999 by the forward-thinking Hans Van Heghe, Knowliah's innovative method, dubbed "Just Enough Right Information" (JERI), aims to simplify information management for corporate legal advisors.

In a world where having access to timely and pertinent information is crucial, contextual insights become the foundation of informed decision-making. With JERI, legal professionals can sift through the clutter and concentrate on what truly matters.

Hans Van Heghe, an industrial engineer with a keen interest in psychology and human behavior, set out to redefine traditional approaches to information management. Rejecting standard relational databases and tree structures, Knowliah adopted a cognitive and context-oriented strategy, ensuring that legal experts obtain relevant information precisely when they need it. According to Hans, context acts as the adhesive that holds the system together, making it easier to navigate through complex information.

And how did this context-driven vision translate into practical application?

The AI Revolution: Transforming Legal Practice Through Enhanced Information Management

Artificial intelligence (AI) stands at the forefront of the digital revolution, enhancing information management capabilities in legal practice. By automating repetitive tasks and offering insights derived from data analysis, AI empowers legal professionals to work smarter, not harder. However, embracing this technological revolution requires a willingness to adapt and evolve. In for example Knowliah's solutions, AI complements human capabilities rather than supplanting them, underscoring the importance of prudence in adopting AI-driven solutions.

As AI continues to evolve, corporate legal departments must seize the opportunity to leverage technology to enhance efficiency and effectiveness while upholding ethical standards.


In conclusion, the legal landscape is undergoing a profound transformation, driven by innovation, and fuelled by the power of technology. As we navigate this digital frontier, the key to success lies in embracing change, harnessing the potential of contextual insights, and leveraging the transformative capabilities of AI. With the right tools and mindset, legal professionals can tackle the massive information overload, unlocking new horizons and reshaping the future of law.


*More about the experts

Hans Van Heghe is the founder and Managing Director of Knowliah. With over 50,000 hours of experience in the domain, he developed the TINK method and authored "Learn to Swim in Information" (2005) and "Knowledge Centric Management" (2011). In his spare time, Hans lectures on subjects of knowledge management, innovation, and the knowledge economy.

Ivan Rasic is the Law Firm Management SMB Director of Engineering and the “Sofia Tech Hub” MD at In his off-time, he enjoys classic Sci-Fi literature, dad jokes, and making bread with his bare hands. His DMs are open if you feel like throwing a pun (or discussing a serious matter if that’s your flavor).

Read their latest interview:


More about Knowliah (part of

Knowliah, an European AI-powered SaaS platform, is part of is the market leader for complete legal-tech solutions for lawyers, insolvency administrators, notaries and legal departments based in Karlsruhe, Germany. Knowliah's and’s commit to international expansion and solidify their position as a key player in the legal tech industry. is deeply embedded in the legal services, insolvency, and business law ecosystems, serving over 7,000 clients with software and relevant services. With Knowliah, is at the forefront of transforming the legal tech landscape and empowering corporate legal departments, with more than 25,000 users across 25 countries, to thrive in the digital era.

Find out more about Knowliah: